Ornaments need to be kept out of reach; shards from broken ornaments may injure paws, mouths, or other parts of your pet's body.

Holly, mistletoe, and poinsettia plants are poisonous to dogs and cats. If you normally use these plants to decorate your home, they should be kept in an area your pet cannot reach.
Edible tree decorations are like time bombs waiting to happen. Whether it is be ornaments, candy canes, or cranberry/ popcorn strings; these goodies are just too enticing and your pet will surely try to get to them!
To prevent any accidental electrocutions, any exposed indoor or outdoor wires should be taped to the wall or the sides of the house. Also when string lights on your tree, remember not to put lights on the tree's lower branches. Pets can get tangled up in the lights, and they are a burning hazard. Additionally, your dog or cat may inadvertently get shocked by biting through the wire.
When gift wrapping, b
As for any busy family holiday, make sure your pet is kept in a safe area away from the door so they do not accidently slip out while guests are coming in and out. Also making sure your pet has on proper identification on may make the difference between your pet making it home safely or not.
e sure to keep your pet away. Wrapping paper, string, plastic, or cloth could cause intestinal blockages, which may result in your pet having surgery. Same goes with Christmas tree tinsel! It's shiny and may look like a nice snack to some pets, but can be potentially deadly.
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